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The Speech of Cake Foundation
The Speech of Cake Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Speech of Cake.
This branch aims to mentor high school students, college students, and recent graduates in their quests to become teachers or speech-language pathologists. Mentorship will consist of 3 structured meetings with informal meetings to follow.
The first meeting will consist of an explanation of the fundamental knowledge of the profession
What is a teacher/speech-language pathologist? What are the steps to become one?
During the second meeting, the mentee will observe a tutor/therapy session and discuss the details surrounding the preparation and implementation of a session
In the third meeting, the mentor and mentee will dine at a local restaurant to discuss long-term and short-term performance goals to hone the individual’s abilities and skills, while helping to prepare for new opportunities
The Speech of Cake Foundation aspires to continue this professional relationship for many years to come!
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